With tax laws changing every year, completing your returns can be confusing and frustrating.

We're here to help.

Tax news and updates for individuals, families, and entrepreneurs

Our team of tax experts has the solutions to make your next filing a little easier — and that insight is just a click away. Browse our archive of tax-related posts below, and click the button to sign up for our newsletter and updates.

Using the "head of household" status on your next tax filing can be a money-saver.

The tax perks of being ‘head of household’

Apr 6, 2023

Filing as a “head of household” instead of “single” could save you money when it’s time to file your taxes. Do you qualify?

The FDIC can protect your savings, but there are limits you should remember.

FDIC, banks, and your money: What to know

Mar 28, 2023

Bank collapses in the U.S. aren’t common, but when it happens, it can be a harrowing experience for customers whose money is at risk. Limit your potential losses by remembering these key points of FDIC coverage.

Eight ways to insulate your construction company against rising costs

Feb 27, 2023

Higher costs for labor and materials are still putting a chill on profitability for many construction companies. These eight steps might seem simple, but overlooking just one could cost you money.

R&D credit can have big impact for small businesses

Jan 16, 2023

Every business can be an innovator. The research tax credit is a way to reward that innovation, and it comes with an intriguing feature related to payroll taxes.

Don’t let time tracking crush your construction plans

Apr 23, 2022

Misunderstanding the complex rules of tracking employee hours can lead to errors, confusion, and wasted hours. Here are a few ways to hold the line for your next construction project.

Generosity around the holidays can also reward the donor

Nov 9, 2021

Feeling generous this year? There are a few rules to consider when you make charitable contributions and gifts to loved ones.

Factor in taxes if you’re relocating to another state in retirement

Nov 3, 2021

Moving closer to family and taking advantage of better weather are just two reasons you might retire to another state. Don’t forget to consider state and local tax implications before you plan a move.

Tennessee Jobs Tax Credit can be boon for businesses

Jul 3, 2021

Tennessee offers a variety of tax-saving credits. Do you know what’s available and how they could help your business?

Tax records

Good records are the key to trouble-free audits and deductions

Aug 7, 2020

A meticulous approach to keeping business records can protect your tax deductions and help make an audit much less painful.

"We saved one client $700,000 using R&D credits — credits that the company’s previous CPA told them they were not eligble to claim. We stay on top of the latest tax laws to help clients reduce their taxes.”

Mark Patterson, KraftCPAs Tax Services

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